About Us

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be with you.

We are two non Arab Muslim kids (Ibn Wa Akh, a 3 year old boy and Bint Wa Ukht, a 6 year old girl – yes, we are siblings) whose native language is not Arabic. We set up this website, a YouTube channel, an Instagram account and some other social media channels to share our journey in learning Arabic, Islam & Nasheeds for the love Allah. We are being supported by two other VIPs (Ab Wa Zawj and Umm Wa Zawja) who are also part of our team.

All the content on this website is copyright and licensed images, audio and video have been used this means you can share our content but can not use it or classify as your own original content. Our content can only be shared or used in a 100% halal manner, not misused and our logo must not be removed from our content. Please also make reference to iloveallah.org if you are using our content on your website, social media or on any other resources. Contact us if you are in doubt on what you can share or use.

Our intention is to create content which has no errors however we are little humans therefore will make mistakes along the way. NOTE: our content is thoroughly checked before uploading! However, if you still notice any errors of any kind then please contact us immediately on info@iloveallah.org or use the contact form on our website to notify us of any errors we have made so that we can remove the content until corrected.

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Please make dua for the success of our journey in learning Arabic, Islam and Nasheeds, our website and social media channels plus our family and the Muslim Ummah. 

JazakAllah Khairan for taking the time out to visit our website and social media channels as well as supporting and encouraging us!

Lots of love from

Ibn Wa Akh, Bint Wa Ukht, Ab Wa Zawj and Umm Wa Zawja

I Love Allah Team

Contact Us

Contact us if you have any suggestions for new content, content that needs to improved, corrected or removed and if you want to collaborate with us.

You can send iloveallah.org a message using the contact form below:

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